Transformation Life Coach Certification
Life coach your clients to breakthrough, create lasting change, master transitions & be the hero of their life story | taught by Joeel & Natalie Rivera
Do you absolutely love helping your life coaching clients have those ah-ha moments?
Do you want proven processes and tools for helping your clients navigate life changes and transitions?
Do you want to empower your clients to break free of limitations and remember their forgotten dreams?
Do you want to help your clients reach their potential and fulfill their greater purpose?
There is nothing more honorable and fulfilling than being a guide (a transformation life coach) for a person who is embarking on a quest of inner transformation—a hero’s journey.
Transformation happens...
Sometimes it sneaks up on us after years of quiet suffering. Other times it is the inevitable side effect of a life struck by a sudden tsunami of unwanted change and pain. Sometimes we dive head first into the journey we feel called to, but other times we cling desperately to “what was”, like a terrified butterfly unwilling to let go of the empty casing that once housed the caterpillar. Life is exhausting, painful, and dark when trapped in the cell of our resistance to change. And this is why so many people need a transformation life coach to guide them through the process of following through on dreams and creating change that lasts.
As a transformation life coach, you can help your clients choose to stop submitting to a life of mediocrity and unfulfillment, and instead discover that their life has a greater purpose.
As a transformation life coach, you can help them embrace that they are the hero of their own journey. That they no longer have to see their pain or challenges as obstacles that are holding them back, but instead see them as stepping stones to a greater purpose.
As a transformation life coach, you can empower them to stop allowing others to write the chapters of your life story and decide, once and for all, to live life on their terms.
Transformation is an inside job, and change is a process. This course will provide you proven, practical processes to use with your life coaching clients to successful create life change, but even more importantly it will provide a 7-step process for totally transforming a client’s life, from the inside out.
In this course, you will learn how to help your life coaching clients create life transformation by:
· Identify the blocks that hold them back so they can become unstoppable
· Overcome fear of change, rejection and failure so they can feel confident going for their dream
· Develop self-mastery by reprogramming limiting beliefs
· Develop a growth mindset so they know without a doubt that nothing can stand in their way again
· Get absolutely clear about what they REALLY want and who they REALLY are so they can stop living everyone else’s dreams
Invite your life coaching clients to join you on a quest of transformation that will lead them on a hero’s journey to a place where they really can do what they dream of and become all that they are meant to be.
Become a Certified Transformation Life Coach!
The 7-Step Transformation Life Coaching Process
Phase 1—Clarity of Intention—getting clear about the transformation your life coaching client seeks
Phase 2—Understanding Needs—the deeper level motivations and drives at the heart of your life coaching client' dreams that would drive transformation
Phase 3—Commitment to the Journey—helping your life coaching client see their life as the hero’s journey and view their challenges as the seeds to their future growth
Phase 4—Clarity of Desire—helping your life coaching client eliminate the illusion of limitation and uncover their forgotten dreams so they can create true lasting transformation
Phase 5—Reassessing Identity—helping your life coaching client become who they REALLY are by releasing what no longer serves them and what holds them back from transformation
Phase 6—Transformation—help your life coaching client reprogram their thoughts, beliefs, patterns and develop true confidence to live authentically
Phase 7—Setting Achievable Goals—turning the deeper desires and changes your life coaching client identified into meaningful, actionable steps that take them across the bridge from where they are to where they want to be
Who are we?
We are Joeel & Natalie Rivera, serial entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, educators, and life coaches. We started our company, Transformation Services, because we have experienced transformation in our own lives that inspired us to let go of what was no longer serving us and embrace our true potential. For over a decade we have been sharing what we’ve learned with our life coaching clients, helping them unlock their potential by finding the purpose in their pain and embracing their true path. In addition to our background in psychology, education, and life coaching, Joeel has a Masters in Counseling and is finishing his PhD in Psychology and we have 60,000 students from 190 countries.
We invite you to answer the call so that you can make the difference in the world that you were meant to make as a transformation life coach.
Welcome and Introduction - Transformation Life Coach Certification
REQUIRED: Agreement, Disclaimer and Code of Ethics
Full Workbook: Total Transformation (ADA ACCESSIBLE) - This document contains all PDF attachments found throughout the course, in a single document.
Audiobook, Print Book and Workbook Available for This Course
All Course Documents in One Handy Place
Being a Transformation Life Coach
Transformation is an Inside Job, Change is a Process
Understanding Why People Change (and Seek a Transformation Coach)
Understanding Why People Change WORKSHEET
What Holds People Back from Creating Lasting Change
What Holds People Back from Creating Lasting Change WORKSHEET
Transformation Life Coaching Process
Transformation Coaching Process WORKSHEET
Transformation Coaching Template
How to Use This Course
Join the Course Discussion + Community!
REQUIRED: Agreement, Disclaimer and Code of Ethics (By Continuing This Course You Agree to These Terms)
Requirements for Earning Certification (NO SKIPPING VIDEOS)
COACH: The First Session
The First Session Outline
The Butterfly: Natalie’s Story of Transformation
The 6 Human Needs
Human Needs Assessment
It’s Breakthrough Time! Breaking the Change Cycle
Fear of Change Activity
THE GOOD NEWS: Uncertainty Gets Easier—Change is Addictive
Preparing for the Storm—Transformation Is Not All Butterflies and Rainbows
COACH: Getting Buy-In through Story
Giving Your Pain a Purpose
Introducing the Hero’s Journey
Your Hero's Journey Activity
Your Hero's Journey Activity WORKSHEET
COACH: Helping Your Client Find True North
Identifying What You REALLY Want
Identifying What You Want WORKSHEET
The Wheel of Life: Identifying What Areas Need Your Attention
Wheel of Life WORKSHEET
COACH: Helping Your Client Remember Who They Are
Who Do You Really Want to Be
Identity Check-In: Who You Truly Are vs Who You Are Being
Identity Check-In Roles WORKSHEET
Identity: Archetypes
Archetypes WORKSHEET
Your Life Purpose: Becoming Who You're Meant to Be
Become Who You Are Meant to Be WORKSHEET
Becoming Your Best Self—How Would I Need to Think and Behave?
Becoming Your BEST Self WORKSHEET
Finding a Relatable Model
COACH: Why the Secret to Your Clients’ Success is Mindset
Developing a Mindset of Success (Growth Mindset)
The Growth Mindset
Sphere of Influence
Circle of Control
Locus of Control ASSESSMENT
You Can Change Your Brain
Common Misperceptions about the Growth Mindset
Developing a Growth Mindset Step 1: Awareness
Developing a Growth Mindset Step 1 Awareness WORKSHEET
Developing a Growth Mindset Step 2: Perspective
Developing a Growth Mindset Step 2 Perspective WORKSHEET
Developing a Growth Mindset Step 3: Action
Developing a Growth Mindset Step 3 Action WORKSHEET
Developing Self-Efficacy
Self-efficacy WORKSHEET
Self-efficacy ASSESSMENT
COACH: Helping Your Client Develop Competence
Building Competence with Your Client WORKSHEET
COACH: When and How to Dig Deeper
The 3 Irrational Beliefs at the Core of Your Suffering
3 Core Irrational Beliefs WORKSHEET
Banish Approval-Seeking and Say No to Should
Questioning Beliefs and Excuses
Questioning Beliefs and Excuses WORKSHEET
Changing Your Beliefs
Changing Limiting Beliefs WORKSHEET
Questioning Your Assumptions About Reality
Affirmations, Incantations and the Power of Your Name
Affirmations and Incantations WORKSHEET
Developing Awareness of Emotions
Emotional Identification Chart
Reframing Your Thoughts
Reframing Your Thoughts WORKSHEET
Cultivating Mindfulness
COACH: Empowering Clients through Preparation
Preparing to Succeed
Evaluating Social Influences
Become the Gatekeeper: How to Filter Your Exposure
Why It's Hard to Say "No"
How to Say "No"
Tools for Saying "No" WORKSHEET
Willpower, Cues & Triggers
Willpower Cues and Triggers WORKSHEET
The 3 R's of Habit Change
The 3 R's of Habit Change WORKSHEET
Embracing Uncertainty
Practicing Uncertainty
COACH: Identifying Resistance and Solidifying Commitment
Developing Change Confidence: The Change Resume
Change Resume WORKSHEET
Quality vs Safe Problems
Quality vs Safe Problems WORKSHEET
How Would Your Life Change?
The Power of Pain and Pleasure
Pain and Pleasure WORKSHEET
The Power of Forgiveness
Forgiveness WORKSHEET
Putting the Oxygen Mask on Yourself First
Putting the Oxygen Mask on Yourself First
Overcoming Indecision Part 1: Autopilot and Being Stuck
Overcoming Indecision WORKSHEET
Overcoming Indecision Part 2: Irrevocable Choices
Empowering Your Vision of the Hero's Journey
Empowering Your Vision Quest WORKSHEET
COACH: The Importance of Planning and Accountability
Creating Change-The Practical Steps
Identifying What It Will Take
Identifying What It Will Take WORKSHEET
Having Realistic Expectations and Incremental Change
Setting Long-Term Goals
GOALS Setting Long-Term Goals WORKSHEET
Creating an Action Plan
GOALS 30 and 60 Day Planning WORKSHEET
GOALS Weekly and Daily Planning WORKSHEET
1-Month Plan
60-Day Plan
Monthly Milestones
Celebrating & Symbolism
The Journey Continues
Wrap Up and What’s Next
Bonus: UP! Clip--You're Adventure is Calling! Don't Wait Until It's Too Late
Receiving Your Official Certification
Joeel & Natalie Rivera