TA Trainer: Facilitation and Marketing
Become a world-class speaker and facilitator. Learn presentations skills, engage your audience, and develop confidence | taught by Joeel & Natalie Rivera
Are you passionate about inspiring or training others because you want to make a difference?
Do you want to be a professional public speaker or enhance your skills?
Would you love to facilitate training or group programs?
Do you want to expand what you currently do by getting in front of an audience of your ideal clients/customers?
Or, do you want to develop your own workshops and programs, teaching what you know and love?
If so, we can relate! We are professional speakers and facilitators who started right where you are now. We have over a decade of experience public speaking and facilitating, and have presented at and developed programs for government agencies, corporations, social services, conferences, high schools, colleges, as well as developed and produced their own programs, workshops, and conferences.
We know from experience that you may be running into roadblocks that keep you from making the difference, or the living, that you want to make through public speaking and facilitating:
You want to be a public speaker and facilitator, but you’re terrified to speak in front of an audience.
You believe you have value to offer but you fear you’re not credible enough.
You want to become a corporate trainer, keynote speaker, or lead seminars and workshops but you simply don’t know how to get started in the industry.
You currently do presentations but you want to improve your public speaking and facilitating skills, such as communication, control the room, raising the energy, persuade the audience to action, and increase your level of confidence.
You’re working in one of the industries we’ve mentioned but you aren’t making the income you know you could.
We understand because we’ve been there! And that’s exactly why we developed this program!
Not only will be teaching industry best practices and proven strategies we’ve picked up along our personal journeys, we will be including all the tools, methodologies, and techniques you need to know to become a world-class facilitator and public speaker.
Upon completion, you will also receive the designation of PWF Professional Workshop Facilitator Certification, which reflects your commitment to excellence, as well as earns you an official certification.
This training program covers the 6 Core Competencies of Professional Facilitation, which include the knowledge, skills and experiences a facilitator and speaker should possess to consistently present and lead outstanding events, be able to evoke meaningful and lasting learning in their audience, and develop a strong public speaking and facilitation business.
Stage Presence, which includes developing confidence, managing group energy, and owning the stage
Command, which includes owning your expertise and authority, controlling the room, directing the flow of the event
Communication, which includes expressing your message effectively, engaging with your audience and using body language to enhance your communication
Engagement, which includes connecting with your audience, using professional presentation techniques, and facilitating powerful group activities
Education, which includes teaching material in a manner that leads to authentic learning and transformation and developing well-structured and effective curriculums
Entrepreneurship, which includes strategies for developing collaborative partnerships and joint ventures in order to reach your intended audience and promote your workshops and services to those who need you
Being a public speaker and facilitator is a deeply rewarding and lucrative profession. We look forward to sharing our passion and experience with you in support of your mission to learn, grow, and create the lifestyle you desire while making your own unique impact on the world.
So, are you ready to transform your speaking business? If so enroll now, we look forward to seeing you in the course!
Guarantee: We know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason.
Time Planning and Staying on Track
Time Planning and Staying On Track
Laser Speak
Laser Speak Worksheet
Laser Coaching
Laser Coaching Worksheet
Role Playing
Role Playing Worksheet
Closing The Group
Group Closure Worksheet
Benefits of Free or Highly Discounted Events
Benefits of Free or Discounted Worksheet
How to Sell From the stage
Selling from the Stage Worksheet
Defining Your Target Market
Determining Your Target Market Worksheet
Marketing Self-Hosted Workshops
Joint Ventures
Joint Ventures Worksheet
Joeel & Natalie Rivera