Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Introduction

    • Who is This Course for?

    • Who is this Course for? (Transcript)

    • What to Expect

    • What to Expect (Transcript)

    • Meet the Instructor

    • REQUIRED: Agreement, Disclaimer and Code of Ethics

  • 2

    Sales Coaching: Skills And Behaviors of Successful Sales Coaches

    • Why Become a Sales Coach

    • Why Become a Sales Coach (Transcript)

    • Sales Coaching Models

    • Sales Coaching Models (Transcript)

    • Sales Coaching Preparation Stages

    • Sales Coaching Preparation Stages (Transcript)

    • General Charactertistics Of A Great Sales Coach

    • Characteristics of a Great Sales Coach (Transcript)

    • Measuring Sales Coaching Performance

    • Measuring Sales Coaching Performance (Transcript)

    • Questionnaire 1

    • Questionnaire 2

    • Questionnaire 3

  • 3

    Sales Coaching: Understanding the Mindset of the Consumer

    • How to Use the Materials in This Section with Clients

    • How to Use the Materials (Transcript)

    • A Coachee Evaluation Questionnaire

    • We are All Buyers

    • We are All Buyers (Transcript)

    • Supply and Demand

    • Supply and Demand (Transcript)

    • Neuromarketing

    • Neuromarketing (Transcript)

    • The Mirror Neurons and the Concept of Imitation

    • The Mirror Neurons and the Concept of Imitation (Transcript)

    • Dopamine and Retail Therapy

    • Dopamine and Retail Therapy (Transcript)

    • Rituals and Habits

    • Rituals and Habits (Transcript)

    • Faith and Religion

    • Faith and Religion (Transcript)

    • Somatic Markers

    • Somatic Markers (Transcript)

    • Speaking to Our Sense

    • Speaking to Our Sense (Transcript)

    • Product Placement

    • Product Placement (Transcript)

    • Subliminal Messages

    • Subliminal Messages (Transcript)

    • Think Like a Buyer When You Sell

    • Think Like a Buyer When You Sell (Transcript)

  • 4

    Sales Coaching: Understanding the Sales Psychology

    • How to Use the Materials in This Section with Clients

    • How to Use the Materials (Transcript)

    • Coachee Questionnaire

    • Everybody Sells

    • Everybody Sells (Transcript)

    • Building Credibility

    • Building Credibility (Transcript)

    • Leaving The Ego Aside

    • Leaving The Ego Aside (Transcript)

    • Selling as a Transferance of Emotions

    • Seling is a Transferance of Emotions (Transcript)

    • Emotional Intelligence Part 1

    • Emotional Intelligence Part 2

    • Emotional Intelligence in Sales (Transcript)

    • Building a Sales Relationship

    • Building a Sales Relationship (Transcript)

    • Goals vs Quotas

    • Goals vs Quotas (Transcript)

    • How to Avoid Procrastination

    • How to Avoid Procrastination (Transcript)

    • How to Avoid Perfectionism

    • How to Avoid Perfectionism (Transcript)

    • How to Avoid Analysis Paralysis

    • How to Avoid Analysis Paralysis (Transcript)

    • You Are Your Biggest Sale

    • You are Your Biggest Sale

  • 5

    Sales Coaching: Communication Skills

    • How to Use the Materials in This Section with Clients

    • How to Use the Material (Transcript)

    • Coachee Qustionnaire

    • Understanding Different Personality Types

    • Understanding Different Personality Types (Transcript)

    • How To Make A Positive First Impression

    • How To Make A Positive First Impression (Transcript)

    • Listen To Understand Not Only To Respond

    • Listen To Understand Not Only To Respond (Transcript)

    • Respond vs React

    • Respond vs React (Transcript)

    • Asking The Right Questions

    • Asking the Right Questions (Transcript)

    • Creating Win-Win Situations

    • Creating Win Win Situations (Transcript)

    • Voice Inflection and Voice Modulation

    • Voice Inflection and Voice Modulation (Transcript)

    • Voice Inflection Image

    • Choosing the Right Attitude

    • Choose the Right Attitude (Transcript)

  • 6

    Sales Coaching: Effective Sales Strategies

    • How to Use the Materials in This Section with Clients

    • How to Use the Materials (Transcript)

    • Convince vs Persuade

    • Convince vs Persuade (Transcript)

    • Creating a Sense of Urgency

    • Creating a Sense of Urgency (Transcript)

    • The Decoy Technique

    • The Decoy Technique (Transcript)

    • Selling as a Storyteller

    • Selling as a Storyteller (Transcript)

    • The Foot in The Door Technique & The Door in the Face Technique

    • Foot in the Door and Door in the Face (Transcript)

    • The Anchoring Technique

    • The Anchoring Technique (Transcript)

    • Handling Objections

    • Handling Objections (Transcript)

    • Sample Sales Coaching Rapport

  • 7

    Sales Coaching: Closing the Sale

    • How to Use the Materials in This Section with Clients

    • How to Use the Materials (Transcript)

    • Intro to the Closing Process

    • Intro to The Closing Process (Transcript)

    • How to Lead to Closing and the Alternative of Choice Closing

    • How to Lead to Closing using the Alternative of Choice Strategy (Transcript)

    • The Presumptive Close

    • The Presumptive Close (Transcript)

    • The Secondary Question Close

    • The Secondary Question Close (Transcript)

    • The Balance Sheet Closing (The Benjamin Franklin Closing)

    • The Balance Sheet Closing (Transcript)

    • The 5 Questions Close

    • The 5 Questions Close (Transcript)

    • Bonus: Handling Price Objections and Closing the Sale

    • Bonus Price Objection and Closing a Sale (Transcript)

    • Completing the Sale is Only the Beginning

    • Completing the Sale is Only the Beginning (Transcript)

  • 8

    Sales Coaching: The Art of Prospecting for a Coaching Business

    • How to Use the Materials in This Section with Clients

    • How to Use the Materials (Transcript)

    • The Importance Of Choosing The Right Message

    • The Importance of Using the Right Message (Transcript)

    • Social Media Prospecting

    • Social Media Prospecting (Transcript)

    • Phone Prospecting

    • Phone Prospecting (Transcript)

    • Voicemail Prospecting

    • Voicemail Prospecting (Transcript)

    • Email Prospecting Part 1

    • Email Prospecting (Transcript)

    • Email Prospecting Part 2

    • Text Messaging Prospecting

    • Text Messaging Prospecting (Transcript)

    • Prospecting Face to Face

    • Prospecting Face to Face (Transcript)

    • Respond to Objections-Prospecting

    • Responding to Objections - Prospecting (Transcript)

  • 9

    Sales Coaching: Marketing Your Sales Coaching Business

    • How to Use the Materials in This Section

    • How to Use the Materials (Transcript)

    • How to Create Sales Coaching Packages

    • How to Create Sales Coaching Packages (Transcript)

    • Example Sales Package

    • Sales Assessments and Questionnaires

    • Sales Assessments and Questionnaires (Transcript)

    • What Is Marketing

    • Market Research Part 1

    • Market Research Part 1 (Transcript)

    • Market Research Part 2

    • Market Research Part 2 (Transcript)

    • Identifying You Customer Base

    • Identifying Your Customer Base (Transcript)

    • Finding Your Niche

    • Finding Your Niche (Transcript)

    • Core Competencies In Business

    • Core Competencies in Business (Transcript)

    • Creating Your Unique Selling Proposition

    • Creating Your USP

    • Creating A Compelling Elevator Pitch Part 1

    • Creating A Compelling Elevator Pitch (Transcript)

    • Creating A Compelling Elevator Pitch Part 2

    • Networking At Its Best

    • Networking At Its Best (Transcript)

    • Leveraging Your Community

    • Leveraging Your Community (Transcript)

  • 10

    It's a Wrap!

    • Congratulations

    • Resources and References