Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome & What You Will Learn

    • Meet Your Instructor+

    • Get the Most From Your Coaching Journey

    • REQUIRED: Agreement, Disclaimer and Code of Ethics (By Continuing This Course You Agree to These Terms)

    • Requirements for Earning Certification (NO SKIPPING VIDEOS)

  • 2

    Love &LOA

    • Introduction

    • Resisting vs. Allowing Love

    • Your Relationship POA

    • Momentum and Relationships

    • How Love Operates

    • Finding Love in the Garden

    • Recap+

  • 3

    New Paradigms for Healthy Relationships

    • Introduction

    • Authenticity = Sustainability

    • Reworking Old Roles & Expectations

    • The Art of Bridge-Building & Harmonizing - No Compromises!

    • Neurodiversity and Harmony

    • Communication and Courage

    • NEW Rules of Engagement

    • Independent AND Together

    • Recap+

  • 4

    The YOU-niversity for Enhancing Relationships (aka "You-U")

    • Introduction

    • You-U Part 1 – What & Who Do You Love?

    • You-U Part 2 – Your Core Values

    • You-U Part 3 – Your Care & Feeding

    • You-U Part 4 – The You-U Conversation

    • Recap+

  • 5

    Tools for Upgrading Relationships

    • Introduction

    • THE Most Important Relationship Question: WDYW?

    • Celebrate and Activate the Good that IS

    • Finding Love in the Mirror

    • Relationship Belief Makeover

    • The Treasure Hunt Process for Couples+

    • Creating Harmony and Building Bridges (Not Walls)

    • Letting Love Lead while Maintaining Self-Care

    • Allowing Respect and Healthy "Boundaries"

    • Intentional Connections

    • Creating New Rhythms

    • Create, Connect, Elevate

    • Recap

    • INTERVIEW: Navigating Challenges and Thriving TOGETHER!

  • 6

    Your Coaching Tools and Strategies

    • Introduction

    • Your Core Focus

    • Precedent for Excellence

    • Fee Structure Ideas

    • Love Activating Forms

    • Your Coaching Program Flow

    • Allowing Successful Interviews

    • Recap+

  • 7

    Coaching Happily Ever-After & NOW

    • Your Quick Reference Recap

    • Keep Feeding the Love + Your Love of Coaching

    • Love Activating Song

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