Reiki Energy Healing + Level I Practitioner Certification
Heal yourself and others for greater well-being on all levels -- mind, body and spirit.
Reiki Overview
What is Reiki?
How Does Reiki Heal?
Everything is Energy
Meet Kumari, Your Reiki Master
REQUIRED: Terms of Use + Coaching Disclaimer
Requirements for Earning Certification (NO SKIPPING VIDEOS)
Who and What You Can Treat with Reiki
Reiki Lineage + History
Kumari Reiki Master Lineage
Reiki Research
Summary of Reiki Research
Takata Tells Her Story
5 Reiki Principles
7 Ways Reiki is Unique
7 Ways Reiki is Unique from other Healing Modalities
What to Expect in a Reiki Session
Extraordinary Benefits of Reiki
Reiki and Animals
The Power of Love
The Power of Love to Heal
Reiki + Intuition
How to Tactfully Share Intuitive Info in Reiki Sessions
Reiki Magic + Miracles
How Reiki is Taught?
What is Reiki Initiation/Attunement?
Energy Healing and the Sacred Art of Transmission
How to Stay Grounded in Uncertain Times
Gassho Meditation
Mind Wandering in Meditation
Healing with Light Meditation
Tips to Start a Reiki Business
Suggested Reading List