REBT Mindset Life Coach Certification
Coach clients to empower their thoughts, emotions, behaviors & dreams as an REBT Rational Emotive Behavioral Life Coach | taught by Joeel & Natalie Rivera
Become a Certified Rational Emotive Behavioral Life Coach!
Learn how to life coach your clients to empower their beliefs and take back control of their lives by becoming a Certified Rational Emotive Behavioral Life Coach!
As a life coach, you probably want nothing more than to see your clients reach their potential! You may have had the sneaky suspicion that your clients’ limiting beliefs and irrational thinking is what was holding them back, but until now you didn’t know what to do about it.
This course will help you guide your clients to finally feel in control of your destiny! You’ll show them how to stop trying to control other people or the outside world and instead to TAKE BACK THEIR POWER by learning how to direct their own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.
The truth is that none of us were ever told that we have super powers because we each are the owners of the most powerful machine on the planet—the human mind! We have the ability to feel happiness, no matter what is happening around us. We have the ability to learn and change ANYTHING we want about ourselves. We have the ability to create the life we truly want, yes, even if right now it seems impossible.
We’ve just never been taught how to use this power!
This course is like a human mind owner’s manual! Learn how to unlock the power of the human mind so you can teach it to your clients!
Teach them the #1 most important thing they could ever understand about themselves, which is that their thoughts are what create their emotions.
Knowing this puts the power back in their hands because you’ll show them how to CHOOSE THEIR THOUGHTS, and by doing so they will be able to control their emotions.
The reason this is so important for you to know is that no matter how motivated and talented your clients are, this human mind of theirs is FLAWED. Without training, everybody’s thinking is extremely IRRATIONAL. Including yours!
The reason why is that inn our brain’s quest to interpret our world and keep us safe it misinterprets what’s happening, it makes false judgments, and it demands unreasonable things from ourselves, others, and life. Plus, after years of living around dysfunctional people we pick up their faulty belief systems.
And that’s why this course is so important! Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy is the foundation of modern psychology. The insights and techniques of REBT have unlocked human potential in the last century and are what ultimately differentiates those who are successful from those who are not. It’s also one of the most powerful tools to use as a life coach to help your clients rewire their faulty beliefs and rip the cause of their emotional pain out by the root!
Becoming an REBT Life Coach will give you the tools to help your clients avoid the ultimate form of failure, which is to reach their goals but still feel unfulfilled.
Introduction - REBT
Introduction to REBT
What is REBT?
REBT: A Human Empowerment Story
History of REBT
Similarities and Differences: REBT vs CBT
How to Use This Course
All Course Documents in One Handy Place
REQUIRED: Terms of Use + Coaching Disclaimer
Requirements for Earning Certification (NO SKIPPING VIDEOS)
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Audiobook, Print Book and Workbook Available for This Course
REBT Coaching Principles
COACH: Structure Your Coaching Package
REBT Coaching Structure
REBT Coaching Plan Template
COACH: The Process of REBT Coaching
REBT Coaching Process
Identifying Problem Areas
Identifying Problem Areas Assessment
Editable Documents (Problem Areas and Coaching Plan)
Why We Think the Way We Do
Irrational Thinking- How the Mind Works
We All Think Irrationally
We All Think Irrationally! Yes, even you!
RATIONAL: Irrational vs Rational Beliefs
RATIONAL Irrational vs Rational Beliefs
EMOTIVE: Unhealthy vs Healthy Negative Emotions
EMOTIVE Unhealthy vs Healthy Negative Emotion
BEHAVIORAL: Unconstructive vs Constructive Behavior
BEHAVIORAL Unconstructive vs Constructive Behavior
Intellectual vs Emotive Understanding
Intellectual vs. Emotive Understanding
3 Levels of Thinking
The Three Levels of Thinking
Playing By the Rules (The 3 Core Irrational Beliefs)
Irrational Beliefs and Emotional Disturbances
Core Belief Identification Chart
2 Types of Emotional Disturbances
Two Types of Disturbance WS
Core Human Needs
Evaluative Thinking: 4 Dysfunctional Ways We Assign Meaning
Evaluative Thinking
Must #1: Approval
Must 1 Approval
Must #2: Judgment
Must 2 Judgment
Must #3: Comfort
Must 3 Comfort
ABCDEF: The Process for Changing Irrational Beliefs
The ABCDEF Journaling Process for Changing Irrational Beliefs
Simplified ABCDEF Form
Using ABCDEF as a Coach
Using ABCDEF as a Coach
A Activating Event
A = Activating Event
B Beliefs
B = Beliefs
C Consequences
C = Consequences
D = Disputing Part 1
D = Disputing, Part 1-Inferences
D = Disputing Part 2
D = Disputing, Part 2-Evaluations
D = Disputing, Part 3-Core Beliefs
E Effect
E = New Effect
F further action
F = Further Action
Recognizing Emotional Disturbances
Recognizing Emotional Disturbances
COACH: Methods for Disputing Irrational Beliefs
Methods of Disputing
Disputing Irrational Thinking, Beliefs
Unconditional Acceptance
Banish Approval Seeking
Banish Approval-Seeking and Say No to Should
Stop Illogical or Irrational Thinking (Socratic Questioning)
Socratic Questioning
The Power of Perspective
Changing Perspective
Reframe Negative Experiences
Reframing Negative Experiences
Postive Thinking and Affirmations
Changing Your Evaluative Thinking
Step 4 (D)- Changing the Meaning You Assign (Evaluations)
Turning Demands into Preferences
Turning Demands into Preferences
Embracing Uncertainty
Time Projection Technique
The Catastrophe Scale Technique
The Blow Up Technique
The Double Standard Technique
Challenging Irrational Core Beliefs
Challenging Irrational Core Beliefs
The Devils Advocate Technique
Changing Beliefs
Changing Beliefs
Identifying What You Want
Identifying What You Want
Pain and Pleasure
Pain and Pleasure
Exposure Techniques
Exposure Techniques
The Paradoxical Behavior Technique
Postponing Gratification Techniques
Stepping Out of Character Technique
Risk Taking Techniques
Coach Conclusion and Next Steps
Receiving Your Official Certification & Logo
FREE Human Mind Owner's Manual EBOOK
Joeel & Natalie Rivera