Productivity and efficiency hacks to create success & freedom, delegate and outsource your life, and stop wasting time! | taught by Joeel & Natalie Rivera

If you're enrolling in this course it's because YOU VALUE YOUR TIME!

You want to get MORE done in LESS time

You want to feel a sense of accomplishment and like you're being productive

You're tired of feeling like your'e spinning your wheels or walking on a treadmill

You feel like you're working all the time and not getting anything done

WE GET IT! And we get that you don't have the TIME to take a 6 hour course to teach you how to save time. So, this course offers QUICK AND EASY tips and tools for nipping your time-wasting and inefficiency in the bud.

You will learn to be more PRODUCTIVE by:

Taking breaks when you're feeling unfocused or restless

Getting in a better mood (which increases your focus and creativity)

Getting in a FLOW state so you can tap your full power

You will learn to be more EFFICIENT by:

Avoiding common personal and business time wasters

Mastering your email and using technology to increase efficiency, instead of waste time

Delegate your personal and work life to free your time to focus on making progress, going for your dream, or spending time doing what you love.

Investing a couple hours of your time into hacking your daily habits could save you THOUSANDS of hours wasted in frustration or working hard but not making any progress. 

So, are you ready to transform your life through proven productivity and efficiency hacks? If so enroll now, we look forward to seeing you in the course! 


Guarantee: We know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason. 

Course Syllabus

  • 2

    Boosting Productivity

    • Happiness: How Happiness Boosts Productivity

    • Boost Productivity

    • Taking Breaks

    • The Importance of the 80/20 Rule

    • 80-20 Principle

    • Getting in the Flow

    • Getting in the Flow

    • Playing Your Way to Productivity

    • Playing

    • Technology Tip: Digital Productivity Tools

    • Tools

  • 3

    Increasing Efficiency

    • Efficiency: Personal Time Wasters

    • Personal Time Wasters

    • Efficiency Tip: Business Time Wasters

    • Business Time Wasters

    • Technology Tip: Mastering Email

    • Email

    • Delegating Tip: Delegating Your Personal Life

    • Personal Life

    • Delegating Tip: Delegating Your Work Life (for Entrepreneurs)

    • Work Life

    • Making Yourself Replaceable with Systems (for Entrepreneurs)

  • 4

    Conclusion and Next Steps

    • Conclusion and Next Steps


Lead Instructors & Coaches

Joeel & Natalie Rivera

Joeel and Natalie Rivera are professional speakers, trainers, and coaches. Their mission is to provide tools that empower people to ignite their dreams,  unleash their potential and fulfill their purpose. Through their  company, Transformation Services, Inc., they provide digital content  publishing, online courses, and life coach training programs that act as  a catalyst for personal empowerment. Joeel  is a former psychology professor with a Master’s Degree in Counseling  and Education and is currently completing his dissertation for his Ph.D.  in Psychology, with an emphasis on happiness. Using the science of  psychology and human potential, they train leading edge entrepreneurs,  leaders, life coaches, and individuals how to master the power of their  mind and create their destiny.They  are serial entrepreneurs who challenge and inspire others to take their  power back through self-employment as INDIEpreneurs, (self-employed  freedom junkies). Between the two of them, they’ve started over a dozen  businesses, from photography to a non-profit teen coaching center, and  from an import business to a holistic virtual office. They  became INFOpreneurs in 2014 when they fully transitioned their print  magazine into digital format because they found they could reach an  exponential, worldwide market at a fraction of the time and cost. They  closed their physical offices and began converting their in-person  workshops and speeches into information products and online courses. Then, in 2015 they received a proverbial “kick in the pants” to go  “all-in” when Joeel fell ill after traveling overseas. Unable to leave  the house, they continued reach and inspire their market by creating 50  online courses in only 2 years, including digitizing their popular life  coach training programs and certifications. Today, they have served 300,000+ students from 195 countries.