Life Coaching: Find Your Profitable Purpose-Driven Niche (MASTERCLASS 1 of 6)
Get more coaching clients! Evolve your life coaching business (to what works), package your gift & target your tribe!
Have you overcome a challenge or experienced a transformation that could inspire people?
Do you have any specialized knowledge or skills that would be valuable to others?
What if you could help your clients achieve the results YOU had in a way that saves them pain or offers them a shortcut to success?
Then you might be sitting on a gold mine. Not only would these unique gifts that you have to offer help you make a real difference for your clients, but packaging your coaching around these gifts is the only way to create a thriving coaching business.
Let us explain. This is the best time to be a coach because it’s an industry that is growing AND coaching is EVOLVING. Today, coaching is a 2.5 billion dollar industry. It is estimated that there are of forty thousand active coaches worldwide.
That being said, you may have heard or experienced that most coaches ultimately fail… and it’s true—in fact, only 10% of coaches are making 6 figures. But it’s not that coaching isn’t valuable or that people won’t pay for it. It’s that the old model of coaching is no longer working. It’s too general.
But, unfortunately, a lot of what you still see in the market is based on the OLD model of coaching which basically means you coach a client to achieve a goal of their choosing through individual coaching sessions. The result is that coaches spend more time chasing clients than they do actually coaching. It just doesn’t work.
HERE IS THE TRUTH: The ONLY way to successfully get coaching clients is to target a SPECIFIC group of people who are UNIQUELY interested in what you have to offer AND willing to pay for it.
So how do you do that? The answer is finding your purpose-driven niche and the tribe of ideal clients who need you. If you do you’ll be able to:
So are you ready evolve your coaching and discover your purpose-driven niche? If so, we look forward to supporting you along your own journey to success. See you in the course!
Welcome and Introduction - Find Your Profitable Purpose-Driven Niche
What is Niche Coaching?
What is a Niche?
Why Niche Coaching?
Why Niche Coaching
Criteria for Selecting a Niche (MANDATORY)
Criteria for Successful Niches
Criteria for Selecting a Niche (HELPFUL)
Niches and Subniches
Coaching Niches
Our Journey
3 Real Life Coaching Niche Stories
Introduction to Choosing Your Niche
Intro to Choosing a Niche
Brainstorming Your Niche
Brainstorming Your Niche
Your Story, Your Purpose
Your Story and Purpose
Identify Your GIFT & Your Purpose-Driven Niche!
Identify Your Gift
What is a Tribe?
What is a Tribe
Who is Your Tribe?
Who is Your Tribe
Identify Your Ideal Clients
Identify Your Ideal Clients
Your Point of View and Your Personal Brand
Point of View and Personal Brand
Marketing: Speaking Their Language
Marketing Message and Your Tribes Language
Referral Partners
Referral Partners
Finding Your Tribe IN PERSON
Finding Your Tribe In Person
Finding Your Tribe In Online
Finding Your Tribe Online
IMPORTANT: Testing Your Niche for Viability & Profitability
Testing Your Coaching Niche
Congratulations and Next Steps
Joeel & Natalie Rivera