Career coaching secrets to a successful job search, resume, interviewing skills, LinkedIn networking & a career you love | taught by Adam Mitchell-Hardt

Are you feeling stuck in a dead-end job?

Tired of feeling unfulfilled or that you’re wasting your potential?

Feeling overwhelmed by the job search?

Not getting the position or the salary you know you deserve?

Or, afraid of how the changing economy will impact your career?

Adults spend most of their waking hours working. It’s no secret that having a fulfilling career is vital for a happy, successful life. If you’re like most people, you have either never really considered the career you REALLY want, or you’ve been in your career a long time and don’t even know where to begin to make a change.

Plus, the job market is changing, the economy is changing, and the whole process of searching for a job or re-careering can feel overwhelming.

And that’s exactly why we created this program!

Are you unhappy at work or not sure what you want to do when you grow up? We have an entire section about choosing a career you love! You will:

  • Determine your dream career

  • Identify an ideal position based on your talents, passions and personality

  • Improve your position, pay and happiness in your current career

Do you know you want to change or you’re being pushed to consider other options because of changes in your industry? We have an entire section dedicated to how to transition your career. You will:

  • Strategize how to transition to a new career

  • Repurposing your skills

  • Identify how to pivot due to current and future economic and technological change

Are you dreading having to search for a job? This program provides expert career coaching strategies that you can apply to yourself, including a simple step-by-step process for navigating the job search that has been proven to result in offers with the best companies for the best possible pay. You will:

  • Generate referrals using powerful LinkedIn networking strategies

  • Brand yourself and craft your story to get any position

  • Craft a resume that stands out and gets you hired

Not only that but you’ll learn a unique approach for how to land interviews with the best companies and how to win interviewers over that will give you a major advantage over the competition.

And the best part is that you’ll learn how to operate from a place of confidence and peace of mind throughout the entire process.

Meet the Instructors: There are 3 instructors in this course.

Adam Mitchell-Hardt is a professional career coach. After working for his share of demoralizing jobs and feeling stuck, Adam decided he was tired of being unhappy at his job and about his future. Despite having success throughout his career in tech sales, he felt a calling for something more. A lifelong student of psychology, personal growth and human potential, Adam applied what he learned about himself with his career coaching skills and launched into his dream career by creating his own career coaching business. Since 2016, Adam has been helping people find new positions or even entirely new careers getting paid to do what they love.

Joeel & Natalie Rivera of Transformation Academy are life coach trainers over 300,000 students from 195 countries at the time of this recording. Their content is based on their educational background in psychology and education and nearly 2 decades of experience in the fields of life coaching, social services and entrepreneurship, as well as Joeel’s background as a psychology and career development instructor, his Master’s Degree in Counseling and research on happiness for his dissertation for a PH.D. in Psychology.

Course Syllabus

  • 1

    Getting Started

    • Welcome, Introduction and Meet the Instructors - Job Search , Career Development

  • 2

    PART 1: CAREER CHANGE Step 1: Choosing a Career You Love!

    • Being the Career Detective - The Career Design Blueprint

    • Choosing the Right Career Guidelines

    • Career Change Questionnaire

    • Ten Achievements

    • Clues Exercise

    • Career Design BLUEPRINT

    • Talents, Skills and the Growth Mindset

    • Identifying Your Talents and Skills

    • Talents and Skills Worksheet

    • How to Develop Your Passion (and Why Purpose is Better)

    • Identifying Your Passions and Interests

    • Passions and Interests Worksheet

    • PERSONALITY: Discover Your Type

    • Personality Quiz

    • Archetype Roles

    • Archetype Roles Worksheet

    • What Is and Isnt Working

    • What Is and Isn’t Working Worksheet

    • Intuition and Making a Choice that Feels Right

    • Facing the Fear and Following Through

    • Using What You’ve Learned to Prepare for the Job Search

  • 3

    PART 2: CAREER CHANGE Step 2: Pivoting and Transitioning

    • Growth Mindset: Yes You Can Learn and Change

    • Repurposing Skills

    • Repurposing Skills Worksheet

    • Steppingstones to a New Career

    • Steppingstones to a New Career Worksheet

    • Making the Most Out of Your Current Position

    • Making the Most of Your Current Position Worksheet

    • Utilizing Your Connections

    • Skill Acquisition and Education

  • 4

    The Future: Disruption and Opportunity

    • Preparing for the Future Economy: Disruption and Opportunity

    • The Gig Economy Side Hustles and Entrepreneurship

    • 100-ish Business Ideas and Ways to Make Money on the Side

    • Planning for Financial Flexibility

    • Financial Flexibility Worksheet

    • $200 Challenge

  • 5

    PART 3: JOB SEARCH SECRETS! Networking, Resumes and Branding Yourself

    • Healthy Habits for a Productive Job Search Part 1

    • Healthy Habits for a Productive Job Search Part 2

    • Evening and Morning Routine

  • 6

    Networking: How to Generate Referrals Using LinkedIn

    • Why Networking on LinkedIn is So Effective

    • Why Networking on LinkedIn is So Effective Overview

    • How to Run a LinkedIn Networking Campaign Part 1

    • How to Run a LinkedIn Networking Campaign Overview

    • How to Run a LinkedIn Networking Campaign Part 2

    • How to Conduct an Informational Interview

    • How to Conduct an Informational Interview Overview

  • 7

    PART 4: Resumes and Branding Yourself for Any Role

    • Getting Your Story Straight (Exit, Accomplishment and Positioning Statements)

    • Exit, Accomplishment and Positioning Statements

    • Crafting Your Resume

    • Crafting Your Resume Worksheet

    • LinkedIn Best Practices

    • LinkedIn Best Practices Overview

    • How to Brand Yourself for a Role

    • How to Brand Yourself for a Role Overview

  • 8

    PART 4: NAILING THE INTERVIEW! Interview Preparation and Follow-up

    • Interview Preparation Overview

    • Interview Preparation Overview Overview

    • Preparing for Each Interview Stage

    • Preparing for Each Interview Stage Overview

    • Common Interview Questions and Suggested Answers

    • Common Interview Questions and Suggested Answers Resources

    • Questions to Ask the Interviewer

    • Questions to Ask the Interviewer Overview

    • How to Win Interviewers Over

    • How to Win Interviewers Over Overview

    • Post Interview

    • Post Interview Overview

    • Negotiating for the Best Offer

    • Negotiating for the Best Offer Overview

  • 9

    Wrap Up

    • Wrap Up


Professional Career Coach

Adam Mitchell-Hardt

Adam Mitchell-Hardt is a professional career coach. After working for his share of demoralizing jobs and feeling stuck, Adam decided he was tired of being unhappy at his job and about his future. Despite having success throughout his career in tech sales, he felt a calling for something more. A lifelong student of psychology, personal growth and human potential, Adam applied what he learned about himself with his career coaching skills and launched into his dream career by creating his own career coaching business. Since 2016, Adam has been helping people find new positions or even entirely new careers getting paid to do what they love.