Become a Certified Happiness Life Coach! Learn powerful tools and strategies to help your clients find their happiness. | taught by Joeel & Natalie Rivera


Help your clients find happiness in everyday life, no matter what obstacles they may be facing. This training program is designed to help you work with clients to peel off the layers of limiting beliefs, negative patterns, and old programming—empowering them to unleash their happiness from within! With newfound awareness, you can help your clients (and yourself) develop better coping skills for day-to-day stressors and make decisions that bring happiness and success in life.

Not only will you learn powerful tools and concepts for creating happiness in your own life, you'll also learn proven strategies to COACH YOUR CLIENTS as a Certified Happiness Life Coach, adding credibility to your brand and profits to your bottom line.

By having the Happiness Coach Certification under your belt (and the official seal on your marketing material) you'll be giving yourself the credit you deserve for the important work you do.

All of our online courses and certifications are completely virtual! They consist of video instruction, with instructors Joeel and Natalie Rivera, as well as downloadable and printable PDF handouts and activities. Our courses are highly interactive and fun! Complete this program from anywhere in the world and at your own pace (and even in your pajamas if you want to!). This certification contains 7 hours of video and will take 9+ hours to complete.


We understand this certification course is not for everyone, therefor it may not be applicable to you. So to narrow it down, this course may be for you:

  • If you have a passion to help others improve their lives and be more happy
  • If you are a counselor, life coach, speaker, teacher or other professional who works with people and you want to enhance the service you provide
  • If you like to have a structure to follow and step by step system with proven results
  • If you want to be able to give clients something concrete that they can work on
  • If you are a presenter, workshop facilitator or speaker and want to add additional tools to your offerings and services
  • If you want to expand your credibility through being a Certified Happiness Life Coach

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Learn the techniques and tools that will help you help others find their happiness
  • Understand and learn the psychology of what creates long term change in people
  • Utilize a proven, step-by-step system with all the materials needed to help people
  • Be able to teach what you learn with confidence
  • Increase your credibility
  • Enhance your coaching business
  • Offer new services to current clients
  • Provide workbook materials to your clients
  • Add additional sources of revenue to your bottom line

Why Happiness?

Because it’s a choice and a gift we can give to ourselves and clients! It will not only benefit our clients' well being, it will increase the positive outcome of whatever else they are trying to achieve through life coaching.

Many studies have demonstrated that happiness:

  • Doubles your critical thinking skills, problem solving ability, and creativity
  • Boosts your immune system and cardiovascular health
  • Extends life expectancy
  • Creates more fulfilling and longer lasting relationships
  • Creates more balance in life
  • Even helps individuals receive work promotions more often
  • And many more positive side effects!

Do you want to help your clients feel inspired with life? Help them stop letting stress and other people zap their joy! This course will give you the 6 simple, proven keys to helping your clients experience TRUE happiness in their daily life, no matter what’s going on around them. You’ve heard that true happiness comes from within… so, are you ready to help others UNLEASH it? Instructor Joeel A. Rivera, M.Ed. is finishing a study about happiness (for his Ph.D. in Psychology) and wants to share his powerful findings and experience with you!

“Throughout my youth I had the opportunity to see life through many different lenses. Moving every six months, I saw and lived in two worlds—a world of poverty and a world of wealth. I found that regardless of what world we each live in, we all want to experience the same thing—happiness. After failing my first year of college, my brother passed away, and I was reawakened with a new purpose to discover what creates true happiness—internal peace and joy—regardless of what we are experiencing in our life. This led me back to school, where I successfully received my Bachelor, Masters, and now Ph.D. in psychology. My co-instructor Natalie and I have dedicated more than 18 years, combined, academically and professionally to understanding what creates true happiness and teaching others how to create it in their lives. Our life purpose it to help you and others experience more happiness and joy on a daily bases, which is what lead us to create Transformation Services, Inc., Transformation Magazine, and our courses, programs, and life coaching which have reached tens of thousands of people from over 145 countries. The information in this course is not just based on life experience; it is based on what research from around the world has demonstrated to be the keys to experiencing true happiness.”

This course will help your clients: 

  • Experience more joy and happiness on a daily bases, no matter what!
  • Help them let go of old patterns and belief systems and replace them with empowering ones!
  • Help them to stop living everyone else’ dreams and embrace their true path!
  • Help them control their emotions (so they can feel good NOW) instead of their emotions controlling them!
  • Help them to live a life of purpose and be their authentic self!


Course Syllabus

  • 1

    Happiness Coach Introduction

    • Welcome - Happiness Life Coach Certification

    • Full Workbook: Secrets to Happiness (ADA ACCESSIBLE) - This document contains all PDF attachments found throughout the course, in a single document.

    • Workbook Available for This Course

    • All Course Documents in One Handy Place

    • Introduction and What You Will Learn (Coach)

    • How This Course Works (Coach)

    • Defining Happiness (Coach)

    • Benefits and Challenges (Coach)

    • Unleash Your Happiness Intro (Client)

    • Peeling Off The Layers (Client)

    • Join the Course Discussion + Community!

  • 2

    IMPORTANT Agreement, Disclaimer & Rules

    • REQUIRED: Terms of Use + Coaching Disclaimer

    • Requirements for Earning Certification (NO SKIPPING VIDEOS)

  • 3

    Layer 1: Desire (influences/programming/expectations)

    • Layer 1: Desire (Client)

    • Layer 1 Desire Workbook

    • Layer 1: Desire (Coach)

    • Layer 1: Expectations VS Joy (Client)

    • Layer 1: Expectations VS Joy (Coach)

  • 4

    Layer 2: Limiting Beliefs (unconscious/agreements)

    • Layer 2: Limiting Beliefs (Client)

    • Layer 2 Beliefs Workbook

    • Layer 2: Limiting Beliefs (Coach)

  • 5

    Layer 3: Ego and Identity (attachments/roles)

    • Layer 3: Ego and Identity (Client)

    • Layer 3 Identity Workbook

    • Layer 3: Ego and Identity (Coach)

  • 6

    Layer 4: Time (past and future vs. the now)

    • Layer 4: Time "The Now" (Client)

    • Layer 4 Time Workbook

    • Layer 4: Time "The Now" (Coach)

    • Layer 4: Time "Experiencing" vs. "Remembering Self" (Client)

    • Layer 4: Time "Experiencing" vs. "Remembering Self" (Coach)

  • 7

    Layer 5: Patterns and Conditioning (rewiring for joy)

    • Layer 5: Negative Patterns and Conditioning (Client)

    • Layer 5 Patterns Workbook

    • Layer 5: Negative Patterns and Conditioning (Coach)

    • Layer 5: Wired for Joy (Client)

    • Layer 5 Wire for Joy Activity

    • Layer 5: Wired for Joy (Coach)

    • NLP: Anchoring and Stacking (Coach)

    • Anchoring

  • 8

    Layer 6: Your Current Mood (emotions)

    • Layer 6: Emotions and Current Mood (Client)

    • Layer 6 Emotions Workbook

    • Layer 6: Emotions and Current Mood (Coach)

  • 9

    Wrap Up & Bonuses: Unleash Your Happiness

    • BONUS: Forgiveness Part 1 (Coach)

    • BONUS Forgiveness Activity

    • BONUS: Forgiveness Part 2 (Coach)

    • Steps to Forgiveness

    • BONUS: My Life Movie (Coach)

    • My Life Movie

    • Happiness Unleashed (Client)

    • Congratulations and Reflection (Coach)

  • 10

    Certification Completion

    • Receiving Your Official Certification & Logo


Lead Instructors & Coaches

Joeel & Natalie Rivera

Joeel and Natalie Rivera are professional speakers, trainers, and coaches. Their mission is to provide tools that empower people to ignite their dreams,  unleash their potential and fulfill their purpose. Through their  company, Transformation Services, Inc., they provide digital content  publishing, online courses, and life coach training programs that act as  a catalyst for personal empowerment. Joeel  is a former psychology professor with a Master’s Degree in Counseling  and Education and is currently completing his dissertation for his Ph.D.  in Psychology, with an emphasis on happiness. Using the science of  psychology and human potential, they train leading edge entrepreneurs,  leaders, life coaches, and individuals how to master the power of their  mind and create their destiny.They  are serial entrepreneurs who challenge and inspire others to take their  power back through self-employment as INDIEpreneurs, (self-employed  freedom junkies). Between the two of them, they’ve started over a dozen  businesses, from photography to a non-profit teen coaching center, and  from an import business to a holistic virtual office. They  became INFOpreneurs in 2014 when they fully transitioned their print  magazine into digital format because they found they could reach an  exponential, worldwide market at a fraction of the time and cost. They  closed their physical offices and began converting their in-person  workshops and speeches into information products and online courses. Then, in 2015 they received a proverbial “kick in the pants” to go  “all-in” when Joeel fell ill after traveling overseas. Unable to leave  the house, they continued reach and inspire their market by creating 50  online courses in only 2 years, including digitizing their popular life  coach training programs and certifications. Today, they have served 300,000+ students from 195 countries.