The 6 Keys to Experiencing Happiness in Everyday Life, No Matter What | taught by Joeel & Natalie Rivera

Discover the keys to finding happiness in everyday life, no matter what obstacles you may be facing. In this course, you'll learn how other people's beliefs and desires affect your own, how to eliminate unwanted parts of your identity, how time affects happiness, how to free yourself of negative patterns, and solutions to help you control your emotions and create happiness in any moment--GUARANTEED! With newfound awareness, you can develop better coping skills for day-to-day stressors and make decisions that bring you happiness and success in life.

Why Happiness? Many studies have demonstrated that happiness:

  • Can double your critical thinking skills, problem solving, and creativity.
  • Can boost your immune system and cardiovascular health
  • Live longer
  • More fulfilling and longer lasting relationships
  • Receive work promotions more often
  • More balance in life
  • And many more positive side effects of happiness

*****NOTE: There is an advanced version of this course available for life coaches called Happiness Life Coach Certification. The material in this course is also included in the certification course. Therefore, taking both would be redundant.*****

This course will give you the 6 simple, proven keys to experiencing TRUE happiness in your daily life, now matter what’s going on around you. You’ve heard that true happiness comes from within… so, are you ready to UNLEASH it? Instructor Joeel A. Rivera, M.Ed. is finishing a study about happiness (for his Ph.D. in Psychology) and wants to share his powerful findings and experience with you!

“Throughout my youth I had the opportunity to see life through many different lenses. Moving every six months, I saw and lived in two worlds—a world of poverty and a world of wealth. I found that regardless of what world we each live in, we all want to experience the same thing—happiness. After failing my first year of college, my brother passed away, and I was reawakened with a new purpose to discover what creates true happiness—internal peace and joy—regardless of what we are experiencing in our life. This led me back to school, where I successfully received my Bachelor, Masters, and now Ph.D. in psychology. My co-instructor Natalie and I have dedicated more than 18 years, combined, academically and professionally to understanding what creates true happiness and teaching others how to create it in their lives. Our life purpose it to help you and others experience more happiness and joy on a daily bases, which is what lead us to create Transformation Services, Inc., Transformation Magazine, and our courses, programs, and coaching. The information in this course is not just based on life experience; it is based on what research from around the world has demonstrated to be the keys to experiencing true happiness.”

This course is for you if:

  • You want to know the secrets to finding happiness or peace NO MATTER WHAT is going on around you
  • You want to identify the beliefs and patterns you have that are causing your unhappiness and change them.
  • You want to stop living everyone else’ dreams, and feeling unfulfilled, and instead embrace your own true path to happiness.
  • You want to learn tools to help you choose your emotions and feel good in any moment.

Course Syllabus

  • 1


    • Full Workbook: Secrets to Happiness (ADA ACCESSIBLE) - This document contains all PDF attachments found throughout the course, in a single document 2

    • Workbook Available for This Course

    • All Course Documents in One Handy Place

    • Unleash Your Joy Intro

    • Peeling off the Layers

  • 2

    Layer 1: Desire (external influences and programming)

    • Layer 1 Desire Workbook

    • Layer 1: Desire

    • Layer 1: Expectation Vs Joy

    • Anchoring

  • 3

    Layer 2: Limiting Beliefs (unconscious/agreements)

    • Layer 2: Limiting Beliefs Workbook

    • Layer 2: Limiting Beliefs

  • 4

    Layer 3: Ego and Identity (attachments/roles)

    • Layer 3: Ego and Identity

    • Layer 3: Ego and Identity Workbook

  • 5

    Layer 4: Time (past and future)

    • Layer 4: Time Workbook

    • Layer 4: Time

  • 6

    Layer 5: Patterns and Conditioning (rewiring for joy)

    • Layer 5: Negative Patterns Workbook

    • Layer 5: Negative Patterns

    • Layer 5: Wired for Joy Activity

    • Layer 5: Wired for Joy

  • 7

    Layer 6: Your Current Mood (emotions)

    • Layer 6: Emotions and Current Mood Workbook

    • Layer 6: Emotions and Current Mood

  • 8

    Review: Unleash Your Joy with the 6 Keys to True Happiness

    • Finale: Joy Unleashed

    • BONUS: My Life Movie

    • BONUS: Forgiveness Activity


Lead Instructors & Coaches

Joeel & Natalie Rivera

Joeel and Natalie Rivera are professional speakers, trainers, and coaches. Their mission is to provide tools that empower people to ignite their dreams,  unleash their potential and fulfill their purpose. Through their  company, Transformation Services, Inc., they provide digital content  publishing, online courses, and life coach training programs that act as  a catalyst for personal empowerment. Joeel  is a former psychology professor with a Master’s Degree in Counseling  and Education and is currently completing his dissertation for his Ph.D.  in Psychology, with an emphasis on happiness. Using the science of  psychology and human potential, they train leading edge entrepreneurs,  leaders, life coaches, and individuals how to master the power of their  mind and create their destiny.They  are serial entrepreneurs who challenge and inspire others to take their  power back through self-employment as INDIEpreneurs, (self-employed  freedom junkies). Between the two of them, they’ve started over a dozen  businesses, from photography to a non-profit teen coaching center, and  from an import business to a holistic virtual office. They  became INFOpreneurs in 2014 when they fully transitioned their print  magazine into digital format because they found they could reach an  exponential, worldwide market at a fraction of the time and cost. They  closed their physical offices and began converting their in-person  workshops and speeches into information products and online courses. Then, in 2015 they received a proverbial “kick in the pants” to go  “all-in” when Joeel fell ill after traveling overseas. Unable to leave  the house, they continued reach and inspire their market by creating 50  online courses in only 2 years, including digitizing their popular life  coach training programs and certifications. Today, they have served 300,000+ students from 195 countries.