Learn proven tools to fall asleep quickly, wake up energized and improve your health and mood | taught by Joeel & Natalie Rivera

Getting a good night’s sleep has a long list of positive benefits that greatly increase quality of life. 

Unfortunately, many of us struggle to sleep well, either we can’t fall asleep or wake up and stay up tossing and turning. Then we spend our day feeling cranky, irritable and not being able to think clearly. Not getting enough sleep can be frustrating because we often feel that it’s not our fault. Sometimes we don’t feel we have the time. Other times we do our best to but find ourselves laying there and stare at the ceiling.

If you can relate to this, you’re not alone! 1 in 3 people suffer from mild insomnia and nearly everyone has experienced sleep deprivation at times. It seems that lack of sleep is normal, but that doesn’t mean it’s healthy. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control has labeled insufficient sleep a public health problem.

Lack of sleep has some negative side effects, and studies have shown that the sleep-deprived are more prone to car and work accidents, depression, obesity, and many other chronic illnesses like diabetes and even cancer.

All of our online courses are completely virtual! They consist of video instruction, with instructors Joeel and Natalie Rivera, as well as downloadable and printable PDF handouts and activities. Our courses are highly interactive and fun! Complete this program from anywhere in the world and at your own pace (and even in your pajamas if you want to!). 

A note from instructor Joeel: "I learned the importance of sleep the hard way... when extreme life trauma (failing college and losing my brother) and the resulting stress left me unable to sleep, which lead to many health conditions, like high blood pressure and passing out, that you wouldn't expect in a 19-year-old. Learning about how to sleep well, even under the hardest conditions, was a journey that brought me back to health and allowed me to turn that trauma into a powerful life purpose."

There is good news—you too can use the power of your mind and some simple behavioral changes to improve the quality of your sleep. 

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Stop racing thoughts and fall asleep quickly
  • Easily fall back to sleep if you wake up at night
  • Understand the psychology and physiology of sleep
  • Create new sleeping patterns and overcome insomnia
  • Wake up feeling rested and rejuvenated
  • Improve your overall health and mood
  • Feel greater energy and stamina throughout the day
  • Improve the quality of your life

What will I learn?

  • Understand why sleep matters and how it works
  • Know how much sleep you really need and how waking up at night may be normal
  • Learn how to live your life in a way that enhances your sleep
  • Learn techniques to help you fall asleep (or back asleep)
  • Explore natural remedies to sleep better
  • Learn powerful breathing and mental exercises to empower your sleep and your life
  • Help you help those you love (or your clients) get a better night’s sleep

Plus, you receive a 10 minute Guided Progressive Relaxation to help you drift off into a deep, restful sleep!

Course Syllabus

  • 1

    Sleep Foundations

  • 2

    Sleep Techniques and Tools

    • Pre-Sleep Enhancers

    • Pre-Sleep Enhancers

    • Bedroom Admosphere Tips

    • Prep the Bedroom Atmosphere

    • What To Do When You Can't Sleep

    • What to Do When You Can't Sleep

    • Natural Remedies

    • Natural Remedies

    • Empower Your Sleep with Breathing and Mental Exercises

    • Breathing and Mental Exercises

    • Empower Your Sleep with Breathing and Mental Exercises Part 2

    • Guided Progressive Relaxation

    • Progressive Relaxation Script

  • 3

    Conclusion and Next Steps

    • Congratulations


Lead Instructors & Coaches

Joeel & Natalie Rivera

Joeel and Natalie Rivera are professional speakers, trainers, and coaches. Their mission is to provide tools that empower people to ignite their dreams,  unleash their potential and fulfill their purpose. Through their  company, Transformation Services, Inc., they provide digital content  publishing, online courses, and life coach training programs that act as  a catalyst for personal empowerment. Joeel  is a former psychology professor with a Master’s Degree in Counseling  and Education and is currently completing his dissertation for his Ph.D.  in Psychology, with an emphasis on happiness. Using the science of  psychology and human potential, they train leading edge entrepreneurs,  leaders, life coaches, and individuals how to master the power of their  mind and create their destiny.They  are serial entrepreneurs who challenge and inspire others to take their  power back through self-employment as INDIEpreneurs, (self-employed  freedom junkies). Between the two of them, they’ve started over a dozen  businesses, from photography to a non-profit teen coaching center, and  from an import business to a holistic virtual office. They  became INFOpreneurs in 2014 when they fully transitioned their print  magazine into digital format because they found they could reach an  exponential, worldwide market at a fraction of the time and cost. They  closed their physical offices and began converting their in-person  workshops and speeches into information products and online courses. Then, in 2015 they received a proverbial “kick in the pants” to go  “all-in” when Joeel fell ill after traveling overseas. Unable to leave  the house, they continued reach and inspire their market by creating 50  online courses in only 2 years, including digitizing their popular life  coach training programs and certifications. Today, they have served 300,000+ students from 195 countries.