Course curriculum
Week 1: Introduction to the Future Self Concept
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Future Self Life Coach Certification PROMO
Video 1: Introduction to ‘Future Self Now’ Concept
Coach Modules Video 1: Overview of Coaching Future Self-Principles
Week 2: Connecting to Your Future Self is More Impactful Than “Healing” Your Past Self
Video 1: “Without a Vision, People Perish”
Video 2: Change Your Future, Change Your Present. Change Your Present, Change Your Past
Video 3: Play the long game: The Importance of Being Far-Sighted When It Comes to Creating Goals
Coach Modules Video 1: Coaching Techniques for Vision Development
Coach Modules Video 2: Helping Clients to Shift from Past-focused to Future-Focused
Week 3: Meeting Your Future Self
Video 1: Your Future Self is Different Than You Assume
Video 2: Your Future Self Pays or Profits, You Decide
Video 3: The Clearer the Image of Your Future Self, The Faster Your Path to Success
Coach Module Video: Helping Your Clients Embody Their Future Self Now
Week 4: Vision and Goal Setting
Video 1: Identifying your Current WHY
Video 2: Creating a Compelling Vision (10x not 2x)
Video 3: Setting Goals Aligned with Your Future Self
Coach Module Video 1: Coaching Clients on Vision Creation
Week 5: Identity Shifting - Being Your Future Self Now
Video 1: Getting in the Arena
Video 2: Failing as Your Future Self
Video 3: Identify Meaningful Milestones
Video 1: Guiding Clients Through Identity Shifts - Introduce Archetypes
Video 2: Accountability for Short-term Milestones