Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome and Introduction

    • How to Complete This Course

    • REQUIRED: Agreement, Disclaimer and Code of Ethics

    • Requirements for Earning Certification (NO SKIPPING VIDEOS)

    • Why Changing your Diet and Managing your Weight is Important

    • What is a Diet Coach and Why Do You Need One?

    • COACH: Being a Diet and Weight Management Coach

    • Take Control of Your Body and Your Own Health

    • What is Your Ideal Body?

    • Special Conditions

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    Setting Goals

    • COACH: Coaching Intake and Establishing Goals

    • Sample Coaching Intake and Questionnaire

    • Understand Why Planning is an Important Step in Your Ideal Body Journey

    • Growth Mindset

    • Develop a Growth Mindset

    • Developing a Mindset of Success (Growth Mindset) WORKSHEET

    • Setting Your Goals

    • Setting Long-Term Goals WORKSHEET



    • Finding out The BIG Why

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    Understanding Metabolism and Nutrition

    • COACH: Educating Clients About Metabolism and Nutrition

    • What is Metabolism and How Does it Work?

    • Macronutrient: All About Protein

    • Macronutrient: All About Carbs

    • Macronutrient: All About Fats

    • Micronutrients: Vitamins and Minerals

    • Water and Dietary Fiber

    • All About Sugar

    • Why Diets Fail

    • Anything Excessive is Not Good

    • Metabolism and Nutrition

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    Weight Loss Fundamentals

    • COACH: Discussing Healthy Weight Loss With Clients

    • COACH: Helping Clients Overcome Limiting Beliefs

    • Overcoming Limiting Beliefs WORKSHEET

    • Overcoming Limiting Beliefs WORKSHEET 2

    • Overcoming Limiting Beliefs WORKSHEET 3

    • The Science Behind Weight Loss

    • Water Loss, Fat Loss, and Muscle Loss

    • Do Not Believe These Weight Loss Myths

    • Weight Loss Fundamentals

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    Weight Gain: (Building Muscles/Bulking)

    • COACH: Discussing Healthy Weight Gain With Clients

    • The Science Behind Weight Gain

    • Common Bulking Myths Debunked

    • Weight Gain Fundamentals

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    Common Diet Types

    • COACH: Developing an Understanding of Diet Types

    • Standard Healthy Diet (a.k.a. Regular Diet)

    • Ketogenic Diet

    • Vegan and Vegetarian Diet

    • Pescatarian Diet

    • Calorie Counting and Macro Counting

    • Calorie Counting and Macro Counting

    • Atkins Diet

    • Paleo Diet

    • Gluten Free Diet

    • Mediterranean Diet

    • Blood Type Diet

    • South Beach Diet

    • Carb Cycling

    • Fasting-Intermittent Fasting

    • Common Diet Types

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    Baseline Assessments

    • COACH: Assessing Your Client

    • Determining Your Body Composition

    • Determining Your Body Composition

    • Determining Your Body Type: Ectomorph, Mesomorph, and Endomorph

    • Determining Your Daily Calorie Needs

    • Calculating Your BMR and TDEE

    • Aligning Your Baselines With Your Goals

    • Baseline Assessment Template and Sample

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    Designing Your Ideal Weight Management Strategy

    • COACH: Identifying Client Needs and Roadblocks

    • You are Unique

    • Food Diary

    • Preparing for Roadblocks

    • Preparing for Roadblocks

    • Preparing for Roadblocks Worksheet

    • COACH: Finalizing Client Goals and Program

    • Create Your Program

    • Create Your Program

    • Testing it Out

    • Changing Bad Habits to Healthy Habits

    • Stick to It

    • What to Do When You Cheat on Your Diet?

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    Tracking Progress

    • COACH: Your #1 Role as a Coach (Accountability)

    • Identifying Signposts of Progress

    • Tracking Progress Worksheet

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    Additional Diet Tips and Strategies

    • COACH: Additional Diet Tips and Strategies

    • Types of Eating and Eating Habits

    • Your Routine

    • Dietary Supplements

    • Meal Prepping

    • Meal Planning Worksheet

    • Meal Frequency

    • Meal Portions

    • Water Intake

    • Sleep and Diet Connection

    • Sleep Hygiene

    • Stress Management and How Stress Affects Your Body

    • Stress Management Workbook

    • Mindful Eating

    • Mindful Eating

    • Cheat Meals and Cheat Days

    • Curbing Cravings

    • Curbing Cravings

    • Diet Breaks

    • Diet Breaks

    • Additional Diet Tips and Strategies Worksheet

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    Establishing Your Diet Coaching Business

    • Creating Your Coaching Structure and Packages

    • Creating Your Coaching Structure and Packages

    • Create a Coaching Package (Package Your Gift) Worksheet

    • Coaching Package Models

    • Offering Multiple Packages

    • Creating and Running an Accountability Group

    • Setting Your Price

    • Setting Your Price

    • Client Retention

    • Freebies

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    Conclusion/Take Aways

    • Dieting and Lifestyle Changes

    • 1% Change a Day is 365% Improvement per Year

    • Congratulations to Our New Diet Coach!

    • Connect with Gladies

    • How to Receive Your Official Certificate & Logo