Course curriculum

  • 1

    Section 1: Introduction

    • Introduction and Welcome

    • Who is This Course For?

    • What Will You Learn by the End of this Course

    • Meet the Instructor

    • Resources

    • “The 21 Days Money Mindset Transformation Plan”

    • Course Documents + Recommended Resources

    • REQUIRED: Agreement, Disclaimer and Code of Ethics

    • Requirements for Earning Certification (NO SKIPPING VIDEOS)

  • 2

    Section 2: Abundance Mindset Coaching - The Abundance Mindset

    • The Abundance Mindset Part 1

    • The Abundance Mindset Part 2

    • Why Become an Abundance Mindset Coach

    • Abundance Mindset vs the Scarcity Mindset Part 1

    • Abundance Mindset vs the Scarcity Mindset Part 2

    • Mindset is More Important than Having the Perfect Plan Part 1

    • Mindset is More Important than Having the Perfect Plan Part 2

    • Recommended Coaching Methods Part 1

    • Recommended Coaching Methods Part 2

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    Section 3: Abundance mindset coaching: Identifying Limiting Beliefs regarding finances and abundance

    • Section 3 - How to Use the Materials

    • Consciousness and the Human Mind Part 1

    • Consciousness and The Human Mind Part 2

    • Subconscious Programming

    • The Modeling Mindset and the Mimetic Desire

    • The Power of Words and the Verbal Programming

    • Specific Life Events

    • The Blaming Mindset

    • The Complaining Mindset

    • The Guilt Mindset and the Impostor Syndrome

    • The Fear of Having More Money

    • The Hardworking Mindset

    • Self-Worth

    • Abundance Questionnaire 1 - Intentions and Self - ACTIVITY

    • Abundance Questionnaire 2 -General Belief List - ACTIVITY

    • Abundance Questionnaire 3 - ACTIVITY

    • Abundance Questionnaire 4 - Your Money Relationship ACTIVITY

  • 4

    BONUS CONTENT: Identifying Your Money Motivation and What Financial Freedom Looks Like

    • What’s Your Motivation- BUSINESS

    • Motivation--Business

    • What’s Your Motivation- Money

    • Motivation--Money

    • Whats Your Motivation- Lifestyle

    • Motivation--Lifestyle

    • How Would Your Life Change if You Became a Millionaire

    • How Would Life Change

    • Playing the Money Game- What Does Financial Freedom Look Like

    • The Money Game

  • 5

    Section 4: Abundance Mindset Coaching: Tools for Change and Success

    • Section 4 - How to Use the Materials

    • The Stages of Change

    • Addressing the Fear of Change

    • Setting Meaningful Goals

    • Self-Efficacy

    • General Self-Efficacy Assessment ACTIVITY

    • Social Cognitive Theory

    • Emotional Intelligence Assessment ACTIVITY

    • Behavioral-Chart ACTIVITY

    • Questioning Skills Exercise

  • 6

    BONUS CONTENT: Abundance Mindset Coaching for BUSINESS

    • Setting Your Price- Determining What to Charge

    • Determining What to Charge

    • Determining Your Value- and Charging What You’re Worth

    • Determining Your Value

    • Grow Your Business with Different Revenue Streams

    • Creating Revenue Streams

    • Automation and Collaboration

    • Automation and Collaboration

    • Expand Your Mind About Your Business (with the Problem Solution Formula)

    • Problem Solution

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    Section 5: Abundance mindset coaching: The Law of Attraction and Money

    • Section 5 - How to Use the Materials

    • Freedom and the Abundance Mindset

    • Energy and Abundance Part 1

    • Energy and Abundance Part 2

    • Introduction to the Universal Laws

    • The Law of Divine Oneness

    • The Law Of Vibration-1

    • The Law of Polarity

    • The Law of Correspondence

    • The Law of Attraction Part 1

    • The Law of Attraction Part 2

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    Section 6: The Mindset of the Wealthy

    • Section 6 - How to Use the Materials

    • How Wealthy People Think

    • Money Work for Me, I Don't Work for the Money Part 1

    • Money Work for Me, I Don't Work for the Money Part 2

    • Dream Big

    • Building Wealth vs Accumulating Money Part 1

    • Building Wealth vs Accumulating Money Part 2

    • Faith

    • Double Your Money Activity

    • Lottery Double Your Money

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    Section 7: Neuroscience: The Reprogramming of the Mind

    • Section 7 - How to Use the Materials

    • The Power of Being Present

    • Gratitude vs Appreciation

    • The Power of Appreciation

    • The Power of Affirmations

    • The Power Of Visualization

    • The Power Of Meditation

    • The Power of Journaling

    • The Power of Self-Discipline

    • The Power of the Mastermind

    • The Power of Connecting with Nature

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    Section 8: “The 21 Days money Mindset Transformation Plan” for Your Clients

    • Introduction to the 21 Day Abundance Transformation Program


    • Day 1 - Creating Your Morning Ritual

    • Day 1 Creating Your Morning Ritual ACTIVITY TRANSCRIPT

    • Day 2 - Setting your Goals

    • Day 3 - Life Vision and Connecting With Nature

    • Day 4 Create your Winner Image

    • Day 5 Emoltional Awareness and EQ

    • Day 5 Emotional Awareness ASSESSMENT + Transcript

    • Day 6 - Identifying new beliefs

    • Day 6 Identifying New Beliefs ACTIVITY

    • Day 7 - Mental Focus Day

    • Day 8 - Forgiveness

    • Day 9 - Facing your Fears Part 1

    • Day 9 - Facing your Fears Part 2

    • Day 9 Facing your Fears ACTIVITY

    • Day 10 - Letting Go of The Past Part 1

    • Day 10 - Letting Go of The Past Part 2

    • Day 10 Letting Go of the Past ACTIVITY

    • Day 11 - Letting Go of the Future

    • Day 11 Letting Go of the Future ACTIVITY

    • Day 12 Choose Your Activities and your Crowd

    • Day 12 Choose your Activities and your Crowd ACTIVITY

    • Day 13 - Create an Evening Ritual

    • Day 14 - Self-Reflection Day

    • Day 14 Self-Reflection ACTIVITY

    • Day 15 - Projecting Towards the Future

    • Day 16 - Finding a Mentor

    • Day 17 - Write a Letter From You in the Future

    • Day 17 - Write a Letter From You in the Future ACTIVITY

    • Day 18 - Start Your Own Mastermind Group

    • Day 19 - Continuing your Transformation and Education

    • Day 20- Hire a Coach

    • Day 21 - Taking Inspired Action

    • Day 21 - Taking Inspired Action ACTIVITY

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    Section 9: Congratulations! It’s a Wrap!

    • Day 22 And Beyond