Turn your knowledge, experience and passion into profits. Create, package & sell information products or online course. Get PAID to teach what you love! | taught by Joeel & Natalie Rivera

We live in the information age...

...and in this course we will show you how to capitalize on the infinite possibilities by creating an online business through information products.

In this course we’re going to teach you everything you need to become an INFOPRENEUR! 

  • Identify what valuable knowledge, skills or wisdom that others will pay you for
  • Organize your knowledge and package it into teachable material
  • Develop a full curriculum or content for your information product
  • Determine what types of information products will work for you
  • Create a strategy for marketing and distributing your information product
  • See how you can create a thriving online business with information products or online courses

An infopreneur is someone who takes information out of their head (or from other materials) and turns it into a product or program through which they can teach this knowledge to another person.

The good news is that literally ANYONE can be an infopreneur. You can become an infopreneur if you:
• Have EXPERTISE, knowledge, experience or wisdom to share in a particular industry, business, career or hobby
• Have a TALENT or SKILL that you can teach others that would offer them a shortcut to a higher level of skill.
• Have the SOLUTION to someone else’s problem.

Why become an infopreneur?
• You add value to the world by sharing your passion or wisdom
• You can create passive income, side income, or additional rev. streams
• You can work from home and create freedom
• Lowest startup costs of any business.
• This is the RIGHT TIME—technology in place to make it easy for you.
• According to the experts, the information products market will continue to increase exponentially in the coming years, as more people gain access to the internet all over the world.

Our Journey to Infopreneurship:
We first entered the online business world of infopreneurship when we converting our magazine into a digital magazine. We found we could reach an exponential market of people from around the world, at a tiny fraction of the time and cost. By 2014 all of our business functions had been transitioned into an online business, including turning our in-person workshops, speeches and coach training programs into online courses. No more overhead. No more “office time.” Freedom.

Today, we have served 30,000 students from 170 countries. We live at the beach, create our own schedules, travel when we want to, and love what we do! … all courtesy of the INTERNET and living in the information age.

The good news for YOU is that during this process we’ve learned WHAT WORKS and through this course we are GIVING it to you! The blueprint, the processes, the resources, the wisdom.

We welcome you to join us in this fun and exciting field of infopreneurship!

Course Syllabus

  • 1

    Before You Begin

  • 2

    Determine What to Teach

    • Teaching Your Expertise, Talent, Skill or Passion

    • Determine What to Teach Worksheet

    • Determine Your Niche and Ideal Clients

    • Determining Your Niche and Ideal Clients Worksheet

  • 3

    Package Your Knowledge

    • Packaging Your Knowledge

    • Packaging Your Knowledge Worksheet

    • Types of Information Products

    • Types of Information Products Worksheet

    • Writing and eBooks

    • Templates and Forms

    • Audiobook

    • Blogging

    • YouTube and Online Videos

    • Webinars and TeleConferences

    • Why Virtual Events

    • Seminars and Workshops

    • Online Courses

    • Membership Program

    • Coaching or Consulting

    • Group Programs

    • Diversify Your Revenue Streams

    • Diversify Revenue Streams Worksheet

  • 4

    Develop Your Content and Curriculum

    • Teaching Your Process

    • Teaching a Process Worksheet

    • Organizing and Writing Your Curriculum

    • Organizing Your Curriculum Worksheet

    • Writing Your Curriculum or Lesson Plan Worksheet

  • 5

    Create and Publish Your Information ProductsChapter

    • Resources and Resourcefulness

    • Resources Worksheet

    • Product Pricing and What to Charge

    • Product Pricing and What to Charge Worksheet

  • 6

    Market and Sell Your Information Product

    • Joint Ventures and Referral Partners

    • Joint Ventures Worksheet

    • Affiliate Marketing

    • Affiliates Worksheet

    • Marketing Campaign 1 Intro and Sales Pages

    • Marketing Campaign Worksheet

    • Sales Page Tips and Template Worksheet

    • Marketing Campaign 2 Opt-In Pages

    • Opt In Page Tips and Samples Worksheet

    • Marketing Campaign 3 Calls to Action and Email Sequences

  • 7

    Conclusion and Congratulations

    • What's next?
